Valentine's Quote

>> Saturday, February 14, 2009

Precisely one month from my last post, I am here to write something corresponding to a big day of lovers, Valentine's Day.

As expected, I am here writing this, of course I am one of those singles.

As I browse through my MSN friends lists, I decided to quote some of these personal messages from "bachelors" in my post. These personal message doesn't anyhow lack of creativity. They can be mainly assorted into 3 categories:

Sad & pitiful Versions :

  • 陪伴着我过情人节的竟是伤风和感冒...
  • Perma Sat Luen (Permanently 失恋).
  • 情人节。曾几何时我开始介怀一个人过情人节了。
  • Single Valentine , Lonely Valentine.
  • My Valentine (continue with a set of sad emoticons).

Sour Grapes Versions:

  • 爱不爱结果都叫人伤心.
  • Love is hard.

Underachieve Versions:

  • 爱,怎么说出口.
  • 我只差了一分勇气.
  • Perhaps Love.

Ok. I saw one personal message was truly funny. It sounds like this :

I can save my money for valentine's present for the next 21 years.

My comment was: you don't start to be in love with someone since the day you were born. Lol.

Hope you all don't mind for the sake of quoting your personal messages.

If I were to be classified into 1 of these categories, I would be in underachieve category. Well I guess I am stopping here. Wishing everyone here, Happy Valentine's Day.


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