Happy Birthday !

>> Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday once again to my bday boy here. Just finish a consecutive five hours sports here, which took most of my energy away, I am not mentally and physically fit for studies. Thus, I will do a simple update for my blog.

As in the title, somebody has just march through his very last teenage days, here I have to wish him : Congratulations, you are no longer a teenager anymore. You are old already. Wish you having a fruitful and prosperous year. Lol. Why am I wishing people birthday with typical Chinese New Years greetings ? Hahaha ...... Am I creative?

Well, here I am posting some of the pictures taken in the celebration.

B'day Cake !!

Here's the main character :)

My another two house mates.

Hahaha ...... Here comes the intruder. She offended my pc >.<"

Yummy !

I am planning to prepare creams for next year. Be prepared :) Okay, gotta end this. Need to follow up my work. Bye.


bernalD July 26, 2008 at 2:24 PM  

Well, you can start learning how to make a cake as well, more economic and more meaning for future birthday wish LOL.

Lens Khoo July 26, 2008 at 11:07 PM  

Hahaha ... I think if i make cakes, nobody dare to eat lol. And I only know how to make chocolate cakes. Hahaha ...

Anonymous July 27, 2008 at 7:20 PM  

haha. how she offend ur pc?
Oh.. ur bday will come first. dun worry! :D *prepares cream*

Lens Khoo July 30, 2008 at 9:49 AM  


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